"You got Mail!"
You may have heard that each time you access your electronic mail (email) with AOL. If your like thousands of people with an computer,palm pilot,organizer,cellular phone or any gadget with access to the internet--you get email.
We use it all the time. Whether to send messeges to your friends and family or to your love ones or to your co-workers or complaining to your Local Congressman. It has become a new envelope in the digital age. If we use it so much, imagine if we get paid for it.
Well, believe it or not their is Companies in Cyberspace that will do just that. They will pay you an adverage of three to five cents per each email. With the amount of email some people, you can make some good,extra cash at the end of the month. Plus, with referrals, you can turn that extra cash into serious big money!

Name: InboxCash.com
Paid rate: $.10-10.00 per e-mail
Referral Rate: $10.00 for each referral signing up

read email

Name: MoneyforMoney.com
Paid rate: $0.20-$2.50 per email
Referral Rate: 5% from Direct Referrals


Name: Sendmoreinfo.com
Paid rate: $0.05 per email
Refferal Rate: $0.02 p/email for each Referrals


Name: Birdmail.com
Paid rate: Earn points using your email box
Referral Rate: 10% from each Referrals


Name: Yoyomail.com
Paid rate: $0.05 per email
Referral Rate: $0.03 p/email for each Direct Referrals
$0.01 p/email for each Indirect Referrals

Free E-Mail @ TheMail.com

Name: themail.com
Paid rate: $0.0025 for each email
Referral Rate: $0.0005 p/email for each referrals

Join ReadClick.com

Name: ReadClick.com
Paid rate: unknown
Referral Rate: unknown